Making transition from ( SCHOOL to UNIVERSITY)
School and university are two different things. University is the highest level of studying. It is more easier than you study at school because the surrounding was not the same. There is need you to make a new friends, learning what is expected you as a student, find out the new things and learn in new surroundings which is different from your home.
Most of the whole day in the class
Spend less time in class
Spend more time studying in the class
Spend more time studying outside of the class
Attendance may not be required
Attendance taken everyday by the class rep
Only examination decided your grade
Test,Quiz,Assignment wil decided your grade
As a student we had preferred styles guide the way we learn. That style also change the way you internally represent experiences and the way you recall information. So we have to explore more of these features in this chapter. There are seven learning styles that you as a student should know.
- Visual – (spatial) prefer using pictures and images.
- Aural – ( auditory musical) prefer using sound and music.
- Verbal – (linguistic) prefer using words especially in speech and writing.
- Physical – (kinesthetic) prefer using body, hands and sense of touches.
- Logical – (mathematical) prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
- Social – (interpersonal) prefer to learn in groups or with the other.
- Solitary – (intrapersonal) prefer to work alone and use self study.
-To know what is my learning style..Dr.Azmi give us this learning styles inventory test.But this only to stated only 3 types of learning styles which is Visual,Auditory and Kinesthetic
Based on the result on that test,It shows that i am a
This diagram below shows the explaination of every learners types.So you guys can read this
Characteristic of Successful Students.
There are several characteristics that you must do to be a successful student. At the beginning, it might be so hard but if you consistently do it you will be a successful student as your wish. So here some characteristics of successful students.
- 1-Do not skip any classes. Please attend the class regularly. Attend the class also means you must be punctual and always be on time. If you late to come to the class, you will feel guilty even though for the first time because you will feel like you just missed one class.
- 2-Take advantage of extra credit. You must take any opportunity to get extra credit if they were offered. You have to care about your grades and are willing to work to improve it. You must often do the optional assignments that students always pass up.
- 3-Always speak in class. That means you have to ask questions to you lecturer that knows many in the class are bound to have, provided that the students are listening.
- 4-See the lecturer before and after the class. As a student yes, you have always to see the lecturer to know about your grades, comments made on your paper and upcoming tests.
- 5-Turn in assignments. The assignments should look so neat and sharp. You will take time to finish your final project to looks good and shows your pride in your project and turn you in on time.
- 6-Give a full attention. Just like in the primary school, you have to give 100% attention when the lecturer are teaching even though the same topic. Don’t get bored because it will disturb your concentration.
- 7-The most successful students may end up at the lecturer’s office door at least once during the semester. You must go out and find a way the lecturer and engage him or her a meaningful conversation.
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